Senior CMS Solutions

Analytics / User Monitoring

Senior CMS Solutions believes in continuous improvement.

Building an amazing website for your senior living company is a starting point; continually optimizing your layout, copy, and calls-to-action allows us to take a great website and turn it into an outstanding one that drives a high volume of qualified leads to your sales professionals.

We use Google Analytics 4 to get hard quantitative data on your website viewership and how people are interacting with your calls to action. Google Analytics works seamlessly with Google Ads to provide us with detailed information we can use to optimize your website to drive more leads.

For qualitative data that shows us how users are actually browsing your site–and where they might be experiencing difficulty–we use a tool called CrazyEgg. CrazyEgg allows us to view actual anonymized recordings of visits to your website. This helps us understand what areas are generating the most interest and where we might need to improve.

CrazyEgg also enables us to perform A/B testing on your site, running two versions of a particular page at once to measure the improvement associated with making a particular change.

The commercial solutions we use comply with the California Privacy Rights Act and other state-level privacy statutes.

Ready to start?

We'd love to talk about your senior living website project with you.

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